by Michael Dymmoch
When Libby Hellmann was asked to moderate a
Chicago Blues panel at Love Is Murder, she had a great idea--why not just celebrate the anthology and the great reviews it got with a party?
Which is just what we did.
The turnout was terrific.

Lee Child showed up.

Our publisher came--Ben LeRoy (pictured earlier with Libby Hellmann).

And our editor Allison Janssen (posing with contributor Sean Chercover).
A number of our contributors appeared. Mary Welk (not pictured) and ...

Sam Reaves & William Kent Krueger

Two very hot authors, D.C. Brod and Barbara D'Amato

Brian Pnkerton

David Case

Michael Black

Marcus Sakey.
Other guests included...

Love Is Murder dean Hanley Kanar (with Libby Hellmann)

Judy Bobalik
Jon Jordan, Raymond Benson and Dana Kaye

Ruth & Jennifer Jordan (not pictured) and others too numerous to fit in a picture.
And a great good time was had by all!
Great pictures, Michael. So often convention photos are blurry. Youra are spiffy! And you are so right to congratulate Libby, Ben, and Allison.
Not only a great time, but a useful learning experience for this new writer. Thanks to Libby and Alison! I'll be back next year (unless I'm the victim of a crime...gulp).
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