I can't do it. I can write in dingy bars, but once in a dingy bar, I start drinking, and my writing goes to hell. I enjoy working in coffee shops with notebook and pen, but for me, longhand is mostly about brainstorming.
When it comes down to writing the actual prose of the book, I have to retreat to my own cave.
And I have a new cave
I recently rented a place above a vacant storefront.
It's walking distance (a mere 6 minutes) from my house.

My office isn't quite set up. Boxes everywhere, some walls still bare, I haven't unpacked my Ernie Banks and Incredible Hulk bobbleheads, and I'm still looking for my Page Points. But my desk area is up and running.
The reason I've not finished unpacking is ... I'm busy writing. The phone doesn't ring 367 times a day, and there's no tug-of-war in my head between family time and work time. When I'm at the office, I'm at work. When I'm home, I'm not at work.
Easy to understand, even for a simple man like me. No confusion. As a result, my productivity (read: word-count) is way, way up.
I also dig the atmosphere.
The stairway features cracked linoleum, peeling paint, and naked lightbulbs. Sets the mood perfectly as I arrive to work.

Across the street, a convenience store and a Chinese take-out joint (bedsheets seem to be very popular window-dressing on this street).

When Agent 99 and I first moved to the neighborhood, we ordered dinner from this place (undoubtedly sold by their claim of "Famous" Chinese Food).
We both got sick.
So I won't be picking up lunch at the joint, but as atmospheric set-dressing, something to gaze upon when I look out my office window, it's perfect.

It does. And that's important, since I'm now renting an office, and do not have money to spend on take-out, famous or otherwise.
The oven and two of the stove-top burners don't work, but two burners is plenty for a guy alone in an office, right?

I am now the very proud owner of the greatest kitchen appliance since the spatula.
Yes, it is a George Foreman Grill. And I love it.
Now, if you've read this far, bless you. This post was sparked by the awesome Writer's Rooms series that the Guardian has been running for some time. Check it out, it's addictive.
And if you'd like to win prizes (yea! prizes!) then take a pic of your own writing space and send it to me (email link on my website). Include a word or two about what makes the space work for you.
I'll collect photos for a couple weeks, then post an assortment here.
Let's share...
Very exciting, Sean!
Great. Now I'm jealous. Thanks for making my day.
I like the little office room in my house, but your set-up is the nuts. No distractions, great atmosphere, and usable in the book could happen right outside your window.
Very cool.
Very classy! I will be picturing this setting whenever I'm reading Ray! :)
Henry's Milk also best left off your shopping list. Maybe. And that's a good room. I just carved out a little corner of my basement for a writing cave after years of writing in the cluttered sunroom off our bedroom. I need my own dark little space that's quiet and offers no distractions. I'm even writing on an ancient laptop with no internet access.
Someday when I grow up and am a "real" writer, I want an office to do my writing in...
You're right, David, quiet and no distractions is the key. I have no land-line here, and I'm accessing the Internet by tethering my 'puter to my cell phone (which forces me to keep my data usage under control, so I don't spend a lot of time online).
Henry's Milk is not a place where I'd buy anything perishable, like, say, milk. But it's got other things to recommend it. I bought a jar of pickles there, and once I brushed the dust off the jar, they were fine.
Oh, I guess I should mention the prizes - I'm gonna give away a few little office items from Levenger (http://www.levenger.com). Levenger has really cool stuff, so get photos of your writing space to me, folks.
Dude, somebody is totally gonna break in there and steal all your crap.
Back up your work off-site!
Do we have to clean our offices before we photograph them? Or do you want to see what they really look like? LOL!
I want to see what they really look like. And when I'm settled into mine, I'll post a pic that includes the mountains of paper that will have accumulated on all surfaces by then.
And David - I live in this neighborhood, dude. It ain't that bad.
i am insanely jealous of your new setup. if you could add a high crime rate and a decent falafel joint to the neighborhood, i might have to move in
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