Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Outfit at Printers Row

For those of you headed down to the Printers Row Lit Fest in Chicago this weekend, here's where and when you'll find members of The Outfit:

Saturday, 10:30 AM
Marcus Sakey, David Heinzmann, and Kevin Guilfoile will be discussing the "Thrill of Mystery" with the terrific Gillian Flynn in the Burnham Room at the Hotel Blake (500 S Dearborn). (Sean Chercover, who was also scheduled for this event, is sidelined with an illness, unfortunately.)

Saturday, 3:00 PM
Outfitter emeritus Sara Paretsky will be in conversation with the Tribune's Julia Keller in the Harold Washington Library's Cindy Pritzker Auditorium.

Sunday, 2:00 PM
Libby Fischer Hellmann, Laura Caldwell, and Jamie Freveletti will be contemplating "Crime and Punishment" with Daniel Levin and Jeff Jacobson in the Harold Washington Library's Multi-Purpose Room.

What events and authors are you looking forward to this weekend? Let us know in the comments.


Libby Hellmann said...

Don't forget to wander over to the Mystery Writers of America booth (#W-14) where you can see a lot of other crime fiction authors, including the Outfit's Michael Dymmoch.

Unknown said...
